Monday 30 January 2012

Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Clubb

I am feeling lonely this evening…. it would be really nice if I had a man here to cuddle up next too and watch some TV with….. That’s all… not really asking for much…. just some genuine company, Matty would be prefect.
I could phone one of my FB’s, but that would defeat the purpose, because that would involve sex, and sex is not what I require this evening. What I require this evening is SSS – some serious spooning, hugs, slippers and maybe even some popcorn!
I am not sure if I am feeling like this because I am pre-menstrual, or just because that’s how I am actually feeling.  I think I am overcompensating by eating continuous amounts of food… oh wait that might be due to the lack of smoking… its day 4 without nicotine, which is going quite well, it doesn’t seem to be a problem and I haven’t really thought about it, until right now…. So no that is not the reason.
So I sit here in my lounge room, nurturing these rather intense feelings with a large bowl of raspberry aeroplane jelly, whilst watching the Big Bang Theory….. But these feelings fail to subside so I have no other option then to retreat and end the day prematurely.
Usually I would do either one of the following –
A:  drink cognac until I the bottle was empty
B: smoke dope until I couldn’t feel a thing accept how hungry I was and how much I wanted to each pizza and steamed dim sim’s
C: smoke cigarettes until I coughed up a lung
…..oh who am I kidding I would do all of the above!
Good night

Sunday 30 October 2011


The grime. The filth. The stench of layers of urine, years upon years, that sticks to the half recognizable tiles that make up the back wall of a tiny cell, infested with Mosquitos caring Japanese Encephalitis and Dengy Fever. The pools of contaminated water that lay on the ground, of what one calls a toilet. A hole in the ground suffocated with splatters of every mans bowl movements from across the globe. The fumes are insulting to my nostrils. With each breath, it consumes every cell within my lungs, and overwhelms my entire body. Thoughts of poverty and disease race through my mind. Not just one minute ago I was busting to go to the toilet, and now I feel paralyzed, I experience stage fright, fear even... And find myself unable to pee.
Oh the joys of backpacking. Lord grant me the strength. If not, at least give me a peg for my nose.

Thursday 27 October 2011

One Day : By David Nicholls

A fine recommendation from Paul, a gorgeous friend of mine I have met randomly along my travels in South east Asia. To all the single women out there please spare a moment of your life to indulge yourself in an incredibly moving story called "One Day" by David Nicholls. If you are not one for reading at least see the movie... it's out now.
A truly amazing story about how you can live your whole life not releasing that what you're looking for is right in front of you..... and that my dear friends is LOVE.

Happy reading ...

Wednesday 26 October 2011

The 4 C's

OK so i have narrowed it down, this is what i am looking for in a man, the 4 C's Comfortable, Confident, Clever & Compassionate...
To be comfortable and content with who he is
To be confident within himself, but not cocky
To be clever... no explanation required
To be compassionate to those around him

I really am not asking for the world, something quite simple, and do you think i can find it? for the life of me NO! Well not yet anyway, good things come to those who wait. So i will wait

A day in the life in Dalat

Flat stick, what a place!  Dalat a gorgeous little place in the highlands 6 hrs north of  Ho Chi Minh City. A little diamond in the rocks, Dalat has a French influence ... just divine, and so too are the men. I met a French Canadian guy who was very sexy, and you certainly wouldm't kick him out of bed for farting... For shizz i was in like flin for a fabulous one nighter, with a French Flavour however..... not the right timing ladies, not too sure if he would have enjoyed the dolmio grin....unfortuntely i had to let that one go straight to the keeper